Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle


Today I am very much a creature
of crushed gravel, extruded polymers,
sheat metal, hydrocarbons,
I am removed from nature a smuch as nature allows.
I still must breath and eat and excrete,
But I am insulated from the rain and wind and sky,
by layers and layers and layers.
I am surrounded, encased, protected, maintained.
The rain barely brushes my skin
as I leave my car and enter my work.
The air I breath is filtered and heated,
dried and cooled.
I am as removed from myself as if my own existence
is only to preserve the shape of my shell.
I see this and yet I do not change,
Instead I show it to you.
One day I will rebel.
For now I put on the yoke, I pull the plow.
I am a good droid.

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