
By mar

A clean house is the sign of a boring person.

A clean house is the sign of a boring person.
~Author Unknown

Today, we were boring.

Spring cleaning. I loathe this time of year, although I know it's an unnecessary evil. It has come time for us to say au revoir to the Christmas tree. I know, I know - a sad day. But I wanted the room back and even I could see the Christmas candles were getting a bit dated.

I did, however, leave the Christmas lights on the window.

In other news, we're packed and ready for our day at Drayton Manor with the GirlGuides tomorrow. My phone has not stopped ringing with excited parents ensuring they have everything just right as for a few of them it's the first time their child will be away from the parents all day. I'm sure a few of the have already bought the wine.

As far me and Charlotte, it's going to be a long day with a 7am meet at the bus stop. Ouch.

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