Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

Melvaig Sky

Today was a bit weird at work. Everyone was concerned for me, because my Department is going to be inspected in 2 weeks time; I got sympathetic pats on the back, and offers of support. Oh, dear.

On the other hand, I did enjoy my teaching, and the kids in S.2 really cheered me when they sang at the tops of their voices - it is so good to see kids letting rip with their voices, even if they are of varying qualities! Magic!

I know that my paperwork has much to be desired, but this can be whipped into shape without too much stress. I really do feel that my work is of a good standard, and that that is what really counts.

And, it was a dreich day indeed.

However, for just 40 minutes this evening, the sky looked like this - and from my own doorstep.

Somehow, it puts everything into perspective.

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