The Goose and The Gander

By gooseandgander

Last Surprise: "Cooking Class"

The last surprise that the four of us guys arranged for the four girls for their collective birthday celebrations was to take them to one of our favorite sichuan style restaurants and have them learn how to cook some of our favorite dishes there.

Last week our friend Kris, with help from a native Chinese speaker, arranged it with the owner of the place for 2pm today. Overall, it was a smashing success.

The ladies helped in snapping the green beans for the spicy bean dish we all love. We also helped out a bit with the dicing of the potatoes for sichuan style "french fries". Only a few of us were able to fit in the kitchen area, but I was able to get some other blip-worthy pics of the whole cooking process which was quite interesting and would make any restaurant back home shut down for multiple violations. But alas, we're in not home and things are different here in China.

Still, the food was tasty and it was a great way to mark the end of our weekend of fun, adding yet another wonderful memory for our year in China.

~The Gander

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