Snake Oil

I spotted this fella stuck in a plant pot at my parents' place this afternoon.

Its a rain inducing frog. Its part of a set of 4. The idea is that you place one at each corner of the lawn and, lo, rain will arrive to water your previously parched grass.

I am not making this up.

According to my Mum it works. They tried it and it rained soon after the critters had been inserted into their alloted places in the garden.

I could not make this up if I tried. I simply don't have the imagination.

What's more worrying about this? The fact that there is someone out there peddling this nonsense [1] and making money from it? Or the fact that my Mum thinks it does the trick?

[1] Actually, a quick Google reveals that, for some cultures, frogs are indeed symbols of good luck and bringers, or protectors, of water. Its still snake oil.

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