
By tufty

Cometh the man from the meals on wheels folk!

Went for a walk today and came back into the village just as Ati was doing the lunch round...there was a gang of women waiting with their empty food containers...a sight to behold. This shot was somehow more artistic that the group shots though! The sun shone with more feeling today due to yesterday's rout of the "socialists" that have plagued the country for the past 20-odd years. Finally, a group of leeches has been struck off the list...only had themselves to blame. I'm trying not to bother looking at the western press to see their reaction...I'll only wind myself up! Let me just state, for the benefit of getting something off my chest, that, although it seems to be too shocking a fact for the western press to contemplate, Hungarians are just as, and no more, racist, xenophobic, and anti-semetic as the rest of the world at large, including the hopelessly self-delusional Brits...the times, rather disappointingly I thought, ran an article about the 1st round of elections in which the centre-right won a majority. This information was duly conveyed in about 30 words, before the journalist spent 2 pages on the success at the polls of the extreme right. Let's just note that the accusations made in relation to things that can be seen and heard in the centre of Budapest fail to tally with anything I see and hear in the centre of Budapest on a daily basis. Plus, it still gets my goat that the British love to polish their "holier than thou" attitude so much...isn't this what our parents would have taught us as an example of inappropriate behaviour? I hope, and believe that when the electoral results come in from the British Isles, the reports in the Hungarian broadsheets will concentrate on the main parties involved, with maximum 30-odd words given to the success of the BNP. Surely, this is what we should expect from the western press as well... OK, rant over, time to clean the chimney out!

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