
By Clairey

Bedtime reading.

Was stugglng to find something blip-worthy today, but saw this as I headed off to bed and thought why not...

So a few of the people I work with are deaf, and my teeny tiny knowledge of British sign language wouldn't get me anywhere, seeing as American Sign Language is totally different, but I feel bad that the deaf folk are excluded from conversation a lot of the time, so they've been teaching me a little sign language (we have an informal sign language class now, where they teach me and the rest of the group), but I decided to go to the bookstore in town and see if they had any books to help, and this has now become part of my bedtime reading.

Getting there slowly with the sign language, hopefully I'll be a pro by the time I come home (only to find ASL is not so useful in the UK).

(PS How gorgeous are the sheets in the staff house?!)

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