Not sure I am entirely comfortable

...with Sparky adopting the top of the fish tank as his new favourite place to sit. I am even less comfortable about his brazen attitude towards sitting there - at least yesterday he had the good grace to jump off the tank and look a little guilty about it. Today - on no! In fact, I would go so far as to suggest that he might have hammed it up a little for the camera - different poses, and the arrogant "chin up" pose as if to say "Yeah, what are YOU going to do about it?"

It has been an absolutely loopy day.
Ups and downs.
Stressed (thought I had lost a piece of coursework).
Relieved (when I found the piece of coursework).
Confused (normal state for me!) over all manner of things.
Reflecting over my career pathways.
Uncomfortable about some conversations today.
Niggled and disappointed by choices and actions of young people who should know better.
Shocked, stunned, pumped full of adrenaline following a particularly entertaining situation this afternoon. Upon reflection, it was a work of comedy - you couldn't have scripted or rehearsed it.
One of these days, I'll be surprised for the right reasons. One of these days, young people and cats will do the right thing without an attitude of "Yeah, so what" or "No, shan't, won't, why should I?"
Not surprised that when I look out of my window, through the trees, that it is a full moon.
Doolally anyone? With a side order of bonkers? Maybe an extra portion of extreme nuttiness? I'll just get that for you...

Had a delicious curry for tea. That made it ALL OK.
And a right good laugh on the way home listening to a CD that a colleague gave to me (Steel Panther - Rock, but NOT for children or those with heart conditions!) Thanks Walter :-)

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