
By LadyFindhorn

Too Many Spanners in the Works

Apart from a cheery breakfast with 'Handy' daughter #2, in Edinburgh giving a lecture to medical students, it has been a pretty poor day so far.

His Lordship for whatever reason was in a tetchy and unresponsive mood this morning and soured my early morning welcome back from the gym. Hopefully a day in the hills near Biggar will improve his mood.

I stayed close to the castle today in order to welcome, allow someone from building control to inspect our replacement windows and make sure they conform to building and conservation standards.
I was thinking hopefully that this should surely be the end of the nit picking that has gone on for a fortnight, and we could finally sign the sale missives. BUT sometimes it's hard to grasp the logic currently being touted. Here's what I mean:-

Our windows were replaced last year and were exactly like for like but with the double glazing element. However some of the original windows put in when the castle was built in 1860 and now being replaced, have low sills which don't conform to today's building control. Ideally they should now have iron bars outside to prevent children from falling out. Obviously children were expendable in 1860.
Even the window inspector realised that modern regulations do not take old houses into consideration.
Suffice it to say, I rather lost the plot at this point and phoned my lawyer to say enough's enough. If the prospective buyers want to put bars on the windows, fine, but count me out. We'll see how bars are approved of in a conservation zone.

Now that I'm regaining my composure, I'm really looking forward to the Unstaged Prize Giving tonight and to meeting some fellow blippers.

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