
By Instography

For sure

I don't know enough about sleep to explain it but there must be something in the rhythms of sleep that means getting up just a wee bit earlier than normal, even though you've gone to bed similarly earlier than normal, is more difficult than going to bed late and getting up at your usual time. There's probably an earlier time when it would be better, if that makes sense.

Full of the good intentions to get up and do a wee bit of piano practice before going to work, I set the alarm for 5.30 and, waking to the strange, non-John Humphrys woman's voice, got myself into the shower and ready. Did the practice - just lessons 1 and 2 from my right-back-to-the-beginning Complete Learn to Play Piano Manual. It promises to have me playing professionally by lesson 35, which at this rate is only three weeks away so that'll be £16.95 well spent.

Anyway, even though it's stuff you'd think I'd have covered in my previous three years of lessons, it was surprisingly difficult. Not technically demanding but I have some bad fingering habits (yes, alright, stop sniggering at the back) to unlearn. So, by 10am I feel jet lagged, drained, punch drunk and slapped about like you do on those days when you've taken the sleeper to London and not slept properly, even after Carstairs Junction and in spite of a half bottle of wine and two Nytols.

Even though it's only been a few days, it's clear that rather than expanding the options for blip-searching (damn, I swore I'd never use blip as though it were a proper word related to photography) taking the bike to work impinges on my taking photographs. It's too fast for the dawdling that allows quirky things to be noticed and seep through to consciousness before you've wandered too far to go back and photograph them. It's too awkward to push up the side streets and back alleys where Edinburgh's nae knickers are found. Didn't take it today - I have a policy to not start cycling in the rain. I don't mind getting caught in the rain but there's something no-fun about deciding to set off when it's raining, especially when there's a tolerable bus in five minutes.

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