Dutch Skies

By RonBuist

Apple Allergy

Some time ago, someone suggested to me that my hay fever may actually not be hay fever because I also seem to be allergic to apples. Apple allergy very often also leads to allergy for birch pollen. I looked it up and it did seem to make sense as this would explain several symptoms I have. It also explains why it has become worse since 2006: in that year, we moved into our current home. There are lots of birches in our neighbourhood...

Before work today, I visited our GP to talk about this because since one week the symptoms have become quite annoying. He seems to agree with my self-diagnosis. However, it doesn't really matter as the treatment for the reaction to birch pollen is the same as it would be for 'regular' hay fever. But I did get some medicine that is supposed to work for about six weeks and that should be way beyond the period that the birches are blooming.

Knowing what it is does give me some ways to improve the situation so that's good. Todays image depicts one of these ways: avoid eating apples or food that contains apples. Unless they are baked that is so apple pie is still an option :-)

There's one big question remaining though: does this mean I can't use my iPhone or MacBook anymore?

I just watched a few moments of the unstaged event. I was too late to watch it live but I did join the chat for some time. It looked like great fun. Congratulations to all the winners!

Edit: just wanted to add that this image is pretty much how it came out of the camera. I only changed the saturation and sharpness somewhat.

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