blip art :: xb

By xb

309 [once you pop]

I keep thinking this is Thursday... to the point where I almost clicked 'no' when blip asked me if the photo was taken on Wednesday 28 April.

Tonight, I visited the delightful Mrs J who is leaving Inverness soon for Edinburgh. It was great to catch up with her, and see how her toddler twins have grown! The pair had a great time playing hide and seek before they offered to go to bed! I was stunned - Mum has such an easy life! Then they both took turns to come out of their rooms, and I realised that life with twins must be hard work!

After Mrs J got the twins settled, we put her in a bin bag, popped some bubble wrap, wrapped me in bubble wrap, popped some more bubble wrap, and then set about doing something constructive, wrapping some crockery.

A fun night with friends! You can't beat it! :)

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