Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

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Reuben's on his way home (hurrah!!!!) so if I get a chance I'll grab a picture later and switch this out. He's off the ventilator, breathing fine and dandy by himself and raring to go. I've so missed my boy being in the comatose state he was and I can't wait to see him smile again. Next week, we'll see his throat Dr again at UCLA to determine where we go from here re the trach. I'm not giving up hope even if my heart bleeds with pain too often.

Tomorrow we celebrate with school friends old and new and other little friends he's shared his journey with. We needed some joy in our lives and I think it will lift his spirits immensely to be in the open air. I haven't told him that little Alice his old schoolfriend is coming along too; I'll save that as a surprise.

In the meantime, is it my imagination or did a little boy just learn, like his brother before him, to line up trucks, cars and trains! Untouched by Mama... this is exactly as they stood.

Update: now he's home, he managed a little smile when he saw Callum, but he's clearly not himself and it took me maybe 20 mins to dress him, so resistant was he and still shaking. A couple of throw ups whilst I was changing the trach tie. I pray tomorrow will be easier for me after a good rest in his own bed.

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