
By ooo


Went for a walk down to Leith today and headed along the Waterfront. I didn't leave the house till around 1pm as I was feeling really lazy but forced myself. Passed Newhaven where I took this snap, through Granton and ended up in Crammond. I took lots of shots there and headed up the river and did some waterfall stuff. In total I took 356 fotos and to be honest I don't have the energy to go through them all tonight, so this is the first one I came across that I quite liked and I hope you do.

It was quite overcast most of the day with the sun making the odd appearance. Had a beer in the Inn at Crammond and texted L who has has been out and about 'rockin' it all weekend.

Taxi back home (£10.40) and to be honest I'm ready for bed!

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