A Dog's Dinner

By G

Don't Vote!

Do you think the anarchists will get into power this week?

You feel just a wee bit sorry for them. Men with long mustaches, sparking bombs with 'Bomb' written on the side, continually being blamed for starting the First World War - not big in the public relations department. God bless 'em

I on the other hand voted this morning. I exercised my democratic right and put an 'X' in the box. I can't give away any secrets, but suffice to say I didn't vote for any braying self satisfied public school boy pretending 'were all in it together" Bollocks!

Just in case anyone on the UK thinks we're out of trouble remember that it cost the UK government £850 billion, yes that was 850 billion, to bail out the banks, which makes the near collapse of the Greek government look like very small potatoes.

So I went for a good old fashioned big political hitter. We had enough slick and spin from the previous incumbent - no more good ties and good haircuts for me.

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