Aperture Science

By stevie

And on the seventh day...

Went for a wee drive today - weather was nice so i picked a direction and went.

Jumped on the M74, up onto the 73, down onto the M8, over the kingston bridge, over the water to Dumbarton and away.

Despite the concentrated efforts of the General Motoring public to run me off the road i actually enjoyed myself.

The further i went the more overcast it got - not the best for Blipping.

I found this wee stream next to the road it plunged down a series of pools until it disappeared into a black hole in the ground. The Force of the water over the years has cut paths and holes in the rock and the water was crystal clear. I've always loved rivers and streams like this one. The colour and texture of the rocks was amazing. My borrowed camera could do no justice to it though so i considered going B&W again?? Should i?

I'm looking into getting a decent camera shortly. I'm considering a SLR(such as the usual entry level canon or Nikon number) over a Compact (such as the sony DSC H9) and any advice would be welcome.



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