my little eye

By i4detail

OK, so it's not a rock'n roll star...

but taking photos was strictly banned in the tv studios where we went to see Later with Jools Holland being recorded on Tuesday. I knew that I couldn't experience such an amazing event without sharing it with my fellow blippers so I managed to capture the most intricate, complex and fascinating ceiling I have ever seen. All steel beams, cables and spot lights.

It was a fascinating day, slightly marred by the car bomb alert while we were queueing to go in because some plonker parked his BMW illegally right opposite TV Centre while he wandered off down the road to go shopping. He eventually came back to find the road cordoned off, three police vans, four police cars, and several hundred angry people who had been patiently waiting to go into the studios and found themselves bundled down the road to stand behind the police tape.

Jools Holland was amazing, keeping it all under control as he spun around the studio with the cameras weaving and waving around him. We were treated to the very talented Mumford & Sons, the very talented Angelique Kidjo, the very talented Ian Hunter and... Courtney Love and Hole. I guess talent is in the ear of the beholder and Courtney Love just doesn't fit in my ears. Anyway it was still fascinating, being almost within touching distance of all this talent.

We were positioned at one corner of the studio where we could look across and see the specially chosen people who were allowed to be seen and had to look as if they were just hanging around, sipping their drinks (no-one else was allowed drinks in glasses) and sitting on chairs (the rest of us were standing for 3 hours). In fact, the "chosen ones" were mostly friends and relatives of the performers but they must have had a great time. I did find it a bit strange to look across at them and see a lovely elderly lady who looked as if she was one of the Nannies who knit Shreddies (UK tv advert joke) but I think that she was the Grandma of one of the band members.

Ozzy Osbourne and Iggy Pop were sat there too, and Jools Holland did his best to interview them and learn something new from them. Although he did rather leave himself open when he asked Ozzy what advice he'd give to someone starting out today. Ozzy simply said "Take as many drugs and drink as much alcohol as you can" much to the audience's amusement. I'm not sure if they'll leave that comment in the show that they broadcast on Friday.

We could almost touch the performers, although being only 5'2", I couldn't see a great deal. It wasn't helped by the fact that I was stuck behind a very tall man. He was quite interesting tho, as he clearly wanted to look nonchalent and cool and proceeded to open up a broadsheet newspaper and spread it in the air in front of him. Eventually, he joined the rest of the human race and folded it away. He didn't improve in my ratings when the warm-up guy asked everyone to introduce themselves to people all around them. Mr Broadsheet tried to just shake hands with his own partner but in the end was faced with having to shake hands with me and the man standing next to me. Mr B then turned to his partner and said "Well, that's a good way of getting warts". I was just about to jump up and slap him on the back of the head while screaming "Oh no - you -the man with the newspaper - you mean you've given me warts?!!" But the music started up and I resisted.

Anway, we watched for over 3 hours and it was great fun and really fascinating. I'd definitely recommend going to watch a radio or tv programme being recorded. The tickets are free but they're hard to get as they're oversubscribed so it's a random draw so don't apply for the shows I want to go to or it reduces my chances! In fact, NO don't apply - it's boring, you stand up for hours, get caught up in bomb alerts AND you get warts. Ok?

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