Our five mile world

By hazyheap

Squeals of delight from 500 live children!

First you see this sign.
It is the first indication that children are to be found nearby.

Then you hear them..................the sound of laughter, squeals of delight. and blood-curdling screams which can mean only one thing, the children are enjoying themselves on the various pieces of climbing equipment, zip wires and trapezes that are found within our local PGL activity centre.
PGL holidays

On most days of the year it is packed full of children who I'm sure leave with amazing memories and newly made friends that will last for a very long time if not forever.

On Saturday past, a couple of the instructors drove into our yard to ask if they could use some of the old bales of straw lying in the corner of our field to make their line dancing party feel a bit more authentic! We lent them a pitchfork and off they went with their spoils. They do go that extra mile for the kids and I love their enthusiasm.
It was the Brownie Movement's Centenary celebrations and the firework display at 9pm that night was AMAZING!

I was gutted as I'd already posted a blip for the day and missed a great opportunity.

Blipping rules my life I feel and I love it!!!

Bill was busy water divining today as we have a blocked pipe under our yard somewhere.............!

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