Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Callum, 18 months

One and a half
And oh so new
All things you see
With your eyes so blue

I'm looking back to where Reuben was at a little earlier than this stage, able to sign 100 signs at 16 months see blog. It just goes to show the access to expressive language which babies can have through sign language. I'm a little behind with teaching Callum in comparison so it's given me a bit of a kick to teach him more. It's a little harder having a toddler who finds it hard to sit still for too long. Oh God I can really start to panic myself at times that I'm not doing enough...

Reuben returned to UCLA school today. It was tough for him but my heart soared when he stood up for his name card and chose a song. Today he has started to sign and speak, gingerly, furtive steps, after 2 weeks of silence. There are longer periods between when he feels the need to rub his nose and wants to cry. I know that school will be the very best way to bring him out as he swings back into the familiar routines and it is not only rehabilitation for Reuben, but his Mama too. I didn't think of that before.


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