Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac


A busy day, spent talking about how to put young people at the heart of their learning. How do you work with the whole person, and help them to dream and have passion and aspire, but put in the flexible and responsive structures to help them gain the skills and knowledge to get them where they want to go...without hemming in or creating widgets rather than vibrant human beings with a hunger to go on learning.

Big stuff, and I'm pleased to report there are some passionate, committed and enthusiastic people trying to find a way to make this real - with much bigger brains than I!

So, a big day, carried out against the backdrop of the unfolding consequences of the election, which I followed by Twitter throughout the day. My election anxiousness isn't abating...but I remembered to look up, up into the amazing blue skies and perfect clouds. Must remember to keep looking up...

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