Mary, Mary

Quite contrary
How does your garden grow.....

With free seeds from the BBC `grow your own grub` marquee in town today, that`s how.
Helpful hints and advice on how to grow without the need for a garden or allotment.
I walked by on three occasions in my lunch hour and got three each for me, my colleague and my neighbour....
Do you want some Basil seeds Barbara?

Bit of a mare in the kitchen tonight....dead easy dinner, fish fingers, chips and peas. No problem with that you say. Well you know when you take the peas out of the freezer and they`re clumped together in the bag...I was bashing the bag with the saucepan, it splits and a kilo of peas explode all over the kitchen.....didn`t know the dog liked frozen petit pois!!! Opened a tin of beans instead.

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