
By cabbagetree

My Fluffy Friend

A terrible quality photo, but here is the fantail scolding me through the kitchen window because the door was closed. He flew away before I could open it.

Later I was outside when I heard him chirping on the other side of the hedge. I looked up as he sailed over the top and glided in a graceful curve through the grapevine towards the door. Then in a lightening fast manoeuvre he turned sideways and pecked vigorously at the glass of the open door before veering off inside. Just checking that the door was really open.

The bright red leaves are on the Japanese maple I planted close to the window. It has been so beautiful, but too red to get a decent shot of it.

We had some rain this morning- a whole millimetre! I gave up on the idea of rain softening the ground before I planted the rest of the daffodils. They should have been in last month. So I attacked the lawn with the grubber and put them in.

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