
By mar

If cats could talk, they wouldn't.

If cats could talk, they wouldn't.
~Nan Porter

This is Henry (I think), our neighbors cat. After coming home from work and picking Charlotte up from school, we met Gahdoo in the parking lot. Charlotte decided to go with Gahdoo shopping (and they picked daddy up from work). At the same time, our neighbor was out so offer me to cut through his garden to get to my house (it's a very complicated little road we live on).

Dave and Eve have lived on this street for as long as anyone can remember. Dave used to be an English Lecturer and Eve has always just did odd jobs to support her charity - Cat rescue. At one point, they had 11 cats! Eve was also the one who helped rescue Mr Willow and Gizzy from the riverbanks with Michael after their mom was thrown in with bricks (Mr Willow got out first and saved his 2 brothers... the one didn't make it though). It took them 4 days to convince Mr Willow.

Dave and Eve are the quintessential English Country-side couple who go on walking trips during summer and have real wood fires in the winter (wood that Dave chops himself) -and they do a lot for our community.

Plus Dave has a fantastic green finger!

The funniest thing about Dave and Eve? Dave is a dog person.

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