The Goose and The Gander

By gooseandgander

Taipei Airport

What an amazing time we've had in Taipei, Taiwan.

We both had such an absolute blast and would recommend this city to anyone wanting to:

A) Escape the crowdedness of Mainland China and Hong Kong

B) Learn Mandarin Chinese--We've been learning Mandarin slowly over the last 9 months and Taipei was the only place where we felt understood, and could understand others! They have a good university that offers courses in Mandarin.

C) Teach English-- Although not as prevalent as in Mainland China, Taipei does have a big scene for expat teachers...just do some research, and this town is for you!

D)Visit--Plenty to do in Taipei and surrounding areas.

Back to the blip.... Here, The Goose is waiting in the strangest waiting area we've experienced at an airport. It's fully decked out in Hello Kitty decor, but there's free wifi, so we were happy to take a rest amongst all the pink and glitter.

~The Gander

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