Change of pace

With this pink, sparklyfluffy close-up of Tiarella foam flower, almost two weeks of dark, drab abstract blips come to a screeching halt. Normal service will resume tomorrow. (that's another oft used blip phrase I finally get to use)

I looked at these this morning and apologized to them for calling them lackluster and stupidly expensive the day I bought them at the nursery. They now light up a dark corner of the garden with their tiny spikes and lime green foliage, reminding me how some people take a while to blossom and flourish.

Sometimes I wish that I never had to leave my back yard. It seems that the birds and squirrels really discovered it this year, it being fairly new. I had two either amorous or playful squirrels chase each other, passing only a couple of feet from me, oblivious, so I would say amorous. It's no wonder they get run over or caught by hawks...little numpties that they are.

Mr. F has finished the basement project...the floor below his office is now insulated and finished off with an acoustical ceiling so he can crank the music up without disturbing me in my basement office. My criteria was simple. If I couldn't hear the discordant clanging of some of Frank Zappa's music, we would be good to go.

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