Cornwall Clips

By ratmandan

The Beady Eye Of Death

The Vulture has few predators. His most common defensive tactic is to projectilely vomit at his adversary and fly away.

Vultures can digest meat in any stage of decay, and withstand diseases that would kill any other creature.

Unlike most birds Vultures do not build nests.

Vultures can fly effortlessly for hours at a time. They do so by gliding over thermal updrafts (warm rising pockets of air), grabbing a free lift.

Vultures have an acute sense of smell, which helps them find their dinner.

Vultures urinate to cool off ( they lack sweat glands ) and to disinfect their legs. Vulture urine kills any germs picked up walking through a carcass.

The Vultures head is bald, making it difficult for bacteria to stick to him. What little does he bakes off using sunlight.

When a Vulture's dinner has too thick a hide for his beak to open, He waits for a larger scavenger to eat first.

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