Up and Over

We had Cambo staying over last night. And you know he seems to be getting better with not getting up too early on Sundays. He's been told that he shouldn't get up till the clock in his room says 8. He's very good at his numbers so this isn't a problem. But when he appears through in our room at 8.00 exactly, you have to wonder just how long the poor wee fella has been awake, watching the clock, waiting for the hours to click over to 8.

So once we were all up we went down to the North Inch with Cambo on his scooter and Breagha running like a loony dog again. Then a short walk into our favourite ice cream shop.

With Cambo off to the deer park in the afternoon, Scott, GG, Mrs T, Breagha and myself went down to Blackford for a walk in the woods. Well we walked but as you can see Breagha mostly ran. And ran, and ran.

She's sleeping now.

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