Steam in the Park

Its turned out to be quite a 'boys' weekend!

After shed destroying yesterday and several trips to the local tip this morning I went to Steam in the Park (in Balado Park near Kinross). Lots of steam engines and other random mechanical and vintage machinery. As well as people selling rusty bolts and candyfloss - often on the same stall. Not really my cup of tea, but quite entertaining for a Sunday afternoon and lots to photograph.

Definitely not a festival to celebrate the reduction of our greenhouse gas emissions either. Kinda the opposite...

Some other shots from today:

> Polis (very close blip runner up)

> Accident Waiting to Happen?

> Rusty Bits

> Vintage Dash

> 033

> Street Organ Man

[ [sorry for all the links :-) ]

Back for some last minute gardening (planting stuff before it died - it still might) and dinner before bathing baby42 and finally its blip time at 11:55 :-)

Hope you all had good weekends. Night all.

Edit: one vote of 1/5 - hahahaha - seems I chose the right one to blip then :-)

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LOTD: Really like the fun in Whispers of Little Urchin's "Simple Things" blip.

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