
By champignons

Magic pink sleeping juice

I like to spend some time every day pondering improbable questions. Like, why don't people wax their armpits? And why in gods name do they fill kiddies medicine with the most voracious pink dye known to man??

Mr Nut was sitting on the bed, he'd had half a syringe of calpol and didn't want the rest, so he was playing with the syringe and that was fine, I knew his puny thumbs lacked the strength and length to work the plunger. What I forgot was he is an evil genius who swiftly inverted the syringe, ramming the plunger on my leg and creating a pink sticky fountain with was beautiful and impressive.

I mopped the wall and left the sticky child with his father which I went for a quick 2000m at the pool.

The tooth count is now 16. Number 16 is breaking through. No 15, a molar, is not quite out and it taking a long time about it. Numbers 11-14, canines, are nearly there but are in no great hurry. Number 10, another molar, managed to get its lazy arse (if teeth have arses) out over the weekend.

Some people have a look of dismay when I say how many teeth are coming through at once, but these big ones are taking so long that if he did them one at a time, he'd have owie gums till he was 15. And this way, the end of teething is in sight.

Until my mother phones me up to tell me 'Uncle frank got all his teeth early, and then they all fell out, and he had to start over again. Your grandmother nearly DIED'

Thanks mum!

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