electric glass

By electricglass

Evil Health Care.

Well today I got some more wonderful experience with the "Great" American Health Care system. After talking to someone on the phone about making payments on my last visit I ask if I would have a problem going back in today to the same location to get the same thing done as last time. (it has now been determined that it was/is a spider bite that has absesed and needed to be drained.) Dispite me being part of the 20 million plus Americans without health insurance.

I was told "No Problem" and that I could go to that urgent care even if I couldn't afford the co-pay. WRONG. After a long drive to the facility I was told they couldn't help me there and I would have to go to the ER. Which was about 2 miles from my house. So I drove there to get some care. Got cut up and now I'm home with my leg propped up going in an out of pain killer naps.

But I guess one ok thing about not going in to work tonight and being bed ridden is that I can try out the trial of Photoshop CS5 that I downloaded over the weekend.

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