
By champignons

lens cap goes HERE

the next photo in the sequence was completly black. He's getting pretty good at that. Not terribly helpful though, I was trying to get a photo of him playing with the dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs make him smile.
which is different from the Grrrrrr of bears
sometimes they say 'yeah' but only in a roary manner like this 'yeaaaAHAHHHHHH'

I know the names of the dinosaurs, as they are written on their underside, which was a feature paleotologists found useful.
One is a dilophosaurus
one is a tricerotops
one is a madeinchina

I didnt think that 14 months was much of an age for creative play, but I was wrong, and he is happy to spend time stomping and raaaahing and making them eat stuff in a way that makes me sad they are library dinos and must be returned.

So I went to town and a largely futile dino search lead me to the ELC, which only had small dinos, still I had promised, and it was the best I could do. I took my puny dinosaur to the till
'that's 4.65' she says
'Fuck me!' I think. But I do not say it. I am polite like that.

I have been trying to buy plastic dinosaurs on ebay, but i am being out bid. Why do they cost so much?
What's a good source of cheap dinos?

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