My Aim is True



Not sure if this is a pikey sleeping it off, or a hippie soaking up some rays. (I am quite pleased with this as it was taken from some distance while I was stopped at the lights )

It was so cold this morning, snow on the Pentlands (bloody Tories). And it's May!

I had other commitments today so wasn't able to make it to the David77 Birthday blunch at The Mosque. But enjoyed looking at the blips.

At one point today I had to endure more religion than I would normally come across in a year. Although it was quite fascinating.

So. I have caught up a bit with the news. Watched Gordon leaving Buck Palace. His speech outside number 10, which was really god, wasn't it? Then the new Ant n Dec from the garden of number 10 (I never knew there was a garden). And as Chris Addison said The KLF and tammy Wynette were more compatible.

However if you're a Tory or LibDem and are disappointed, here's a special offer for you.

So, we are to have this for 5 years. You know what that means? It means that when Thatcher pops her clogs, with the Tories in power they're gonna make a big deal of it. State funeral?
This'll take your mind off things

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