
By schlimm


This is my 100th blip. Had I backblipped all the blips still waiting to join these 100 I'd probably be closer to 150 but the lack of time got me and I need to fill the gaps another time.

It's all been said before but blip really is a truly great obsession, hobby, nothing really seems to fit, so what exactly is blip?

For me it's opened my eyes, I'm looking at what's happening around me with other eyes (the capturing of what I'm seeing doesn't always work but at least I'm looking now). It's given me some time for myself, just me and my blips and my trials and errors. And a means of keeping a memento of every day and a way to tell a bit about what's been happening. I've got to know my camera a bit better and I'm learning more about photography just by looking at other truly gifted blippers...

and the list could go on and on and on...

I had this blip all planned out, I would re-arrange the shells of my very first blip in order to write 100 but gave up after a few attempts, it was too similar. Other botched attempts included a shell and two daisies but it just didn't look right.

I'm happy with this one, it picks up some of the themes that I have blipped so far: shells, the sea, trees, nature and the grounds at work.

What next?

Hopefully an un-interrupted daily blip for the next 100 (including backblips if necessary but not by weeks and weeks.

Some more people blips (without lamps sticking out of heads - if possible).

Meet some blippers, get the courage to make it to one of the meet-ups.

Learn how to include a link.

C = 100

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