This Is Not A Dream

By Breeanna

~100~ With Evie's Help

Hooray for 100! It took a little longer then I thought, but I'm happy I've kept this going :)

Evie wanted to help me with my 100th and yes that is dog food. She is such a good girl! Don't worry, I let her eat some as a treat for helping :)

For those of you who may be visiting for the first time, I thought I would tell you a little about myself through my blips.

My first Blip was in December 2009 and Evie was only 6 months old. I live in San Diego with my husband who is in the military and goes out of town frequently. That is why we have Evie, my protector. We live in San Diego and have a cute little house with a beautiful view. We love to go hiking and fishing, and take Evie out to the field near our house. We now have 10 chickens since 5 baby chicks just hatched last week. I love photography and capturing the beauty around me.

I was suppose to do my 100th blip yesterday during my trip to Hollywood, but all I have is my iphone since my other camera broke and I didn't get any good shots. I went to the taping of Dancing with the Stars. It was very fun to see how they film a live TV show. Then we ate dinner in Beverly Hills and saw many beautiful homes. It such a different life there. It was a fun day!

Thanks to those of you who come visit my blips and leave supportive and friendly comments. I keep coming back to blip because of all the great people I have met :)

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