Lyn's Things

By Abzquine


Whirlwind of a day.

Early train down to Edinburgh. I spent far more time cooing over the animals than taking photos. I cold have watched the various monkeys play all day but most of all I was taken with this fellow. He was at the far side of the aviary but when he spotted me he came over to say hello. Very friendly and inquisitive and I just love his pose here.

Headed into Edinburgh centre to meet a twitter chum for a coffee and a natter. I'm still not sure how to thank this person properly. I was feeling really low one day and had posted something to that effect, a few people I speak to asked what was wrong but this person sent me a private message to check I was ok. I don't think we had ever previously chatted and although I was rather caught up in myself I later saw what a difference that one person made. I'm not very good with words, I am not very good with feelings but I hope they see this and I hope they know they really did help me then and since. Oh and the coffee was awesome too.

Had a wander round the shops with my photography teacher (K) and then headed to his. I had already written a load of questions and I am sure quite quickly he must have regretted inviting me down. After tea though I was fit for my bed, and the plan was to get up early for Glencoe in the morning

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