
By Amalarian


I would kill to own this barn but it belongs to the local winery. You can see one of the pink winery buildings to the left and the vineyards above. After days of in house blips I decided to brave the dark skies and rain and headed for a cluster of new buildings along the road because of their sunny colours and a very nice sun dial painted on the side of one of them. It was blah, boring.

Then I saw a ruined house right across the river and stopped to photograph that. Gloomy. I discovered I was standing next to a wooden cross hidden in the weeds. It had a faded picture of a young girl on it and a date in 2002. Another road death.

As an afterthought I turned and took one shot of this barn I envy so much. It is so typical of the countryside just now -- green and overgrown from constant rain -- that I had to use it.

This is my 101st blip and I have yet to thank all those who wished me well yesterday. The blip community is packed with kind and generous people.

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