Gifts of Grace

By grace


Spent today connecting with nature spirits and devas, and learning how to make flower essences with erstwhile blipper Flower Spirit in the beautiful White Lotus Yoga Studio and its magnificent gardens.

I saw coloured lights (maybe subtle bodies?), had a cherry tree in full blossom sing to me 'Listen, do you want to know a secret? Do you promise not to tell? Oooh ooh, I'm in love with you' (clearly there are Beatles fans in the plant kingdom), an ancient ash gave confidence that 'You are loved and supported always.' 'The spirit of the ash wants you to have everything.' We sat in a stone circle, made our essences, patted great Danes and bloodhounds and overdosed on home-made (everything free) chocolate orange cake and lemon sponge.

What can I say? It was bliss my dear. Never thought I'd ever hug tree. But you got me, or at least the ash did. Thanks, Jackie, love always. G.

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