The Chaos Bros

By vik

Dangerous Wildlife

When we went fo a walk round Birnie Loch yesterday Bro 1 was looking on the notice board to find out about the next pond dipping day & he saw a poster about a photo competition, however he did not have his camera with him & the closing date is tomorrow. So after a few moans & groans from him I agreed to take him back to the loch after school today so he could try to get a photo to enter in the children's section.
The sunshine was not on his side, it was fairly dull & cloudy when we got there so the landscape shots weren't up to much & as most of the birds are busy sitting on their nests there's not many of them about.
Eventually he came across this swan & decided this was the best chance he was going to get.
He got a bit too close though & leapt back in fright as the great big swan objected to being photographed & gave a very loud HIIIISSSSS!!!

This caused great hilarity among Bro 2 & Bro 3 & had them chuckling for ages, needless to say they were a good few metres away.

(He did get a good shot though of the swan with it's beak wide open when a lady was feeding it so he's entered it in the competition.)

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