Old Town Entertainment

Clocked this chap as the girls admired the brides (there were a couple) who came out of the Basilica in the Old Town, in a bit of a conveyor-belt fashion. It's part of the visitor tour; I don't think I've ever been past when there hasn't been a newly married or about-to-be-married bride/groom standing outside! Neither of today's brides were sporting particularly meringue-y frocks, which made a change, but I think it's fair to say that neither of my about-to-be-hitched-themselves-friends were overly impressed.

We soon moved on to the Castle Square where we decided to take a pony and trap ride! This was a Warsaw treat I'd never tried, but it was that, or the Subway-sponsored tourist train that does the route up through the Old Town to the New and back again. Mum and I did that back in the Summer; it was pretty pants to be honest but it served one purpose and that was for me to get my bearings, being that it was my first time there. Anyway, I digress. The pony & trap was much more relaxed and fun and it saved walking all the way round a bit later. We offset the time saved to very good use, by refreshing ourselves with a pint of Zywiec and pierogi, in the Old Town Square. It was a stark contrast weather-wise to the same time last week, when Liza and I sat out in the blazing sunshine.

We walked some more and basically stayed out until about midnight, stopping at a couple of further places for Wybrowka vodka sampling and then to an Italian for supper to soak it all up. I had never seen so many people out and about in the evening (with the exception of the week in mourning last month) but then discovered that it was the night where people could visit museums for free, all through the night. There were queues everywhere and cars parked in every conceivable place. I think I'd rather go on a regular day and pay the entrance fee than to have to queue for hours in the cold and dark!

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