Manic MorFF's Pics

By manicmorff

Shameless Plug

My co-conspirator reminded me today that we should really be looking at creating a Season 3 for bimbogami.

For the unaware, bimbogami is a puzzle site. It's free; all you need to do is register a username and you're off! it's hard (well some of it is) but if you like a challenge, perhaps you should give it a go.

There are two seasons of 'standard' puzzles and of over 2000 registered users, only 53 have finished the 40 questions in season 1 and only 28 made it through season 2.

There are two 'fun' seasons too, focused on music lyrics and movie quotes.

The sensei will probably make fun of you as you fail to answer his questions, so good luck! Are you good enough?

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