Mystical Musings

By mysticalmusings

Double Rainbow

Today something very upsetting happened which triggered a huge amount of PTSD emotions from past trauma. It was a difficult time to say the least. I was shocked, furious and hurt. I couldn't calm down, kept pacing and freaking out. I called my friend, Jasel, and she talked me down. It will still be some time before I am totally calm, and it'll be awhile before I feel 'safe' again, but I was also unexpectedly blessed.

After hanging up the phone, I grabbed my camera and headed outside for some blipfoto therapy.

As soon as I went out the front door, the first thing I saw was the most enormous and brilliant rainbow I have ever seen arcing from one end of the sky to the other. By the time I got my camera turned on, and looked back up, there was a second rainbow above the first. I've never seen anything like it.

I wish I had a wide angle lense so you could see the whole thing, but I did the best I could with the equipment I had and hopefully you get a 'taste' of the beauty I experienced.

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