Leanne's Random Photos

By Leannespics

Miss Daisy!

Yes, WHERE HAVE I BEEN, you wonder?

THIS is where I've been. Taking care of the dog. Apparently, she has taken up all my spare minutes I had been previously using for blipfoto! I will have to put a stop to that! I'll just have to start sleeping less or something.

I should be doing what Daisy is doing. I have to get up at O'dark hundred (4:45 AM!) and drive to LAX for an hour, carpooling with 3 troublemaker boys, and 2 giggly girls, and, thankfully, another mom. We will hop on a plane to Sacramento and spend THE day at the capitol with the fourth grade class. We should be back in Southern California by 10 pm.

I had a mouse take up residence in my Suburban! Two weeks later, I decided he was no longer in there ( I set several traps up....and he didn't eat the peanut butter that was in there). I took it to have it detailed yesterday. As my luck would have it, I can't just get a plain ole' expensive detailing. NOOOOOO! I have to get the super expensive disinfecting kind of cleaning! For no less than $275, they scrubbed the carpets and seats twice, ionized it, cleared out the air conditioning vents, and steamed the engine! And he seriously asked me if I wanted him to wax it!!! Well, YES!!!! And spit shine it! I want to see my reflection for $275!!! He did a fine job of selling me on the deal, though, explaining that with all the feces and urine......yep! Just do it! Major ICK factor!!

Our trip around the country is QUICKLY coming up! Just DAYS away! The third week of June! It has turned into like 8 weeks now. (pray for me!) It's very exciting and I'm sure it will certainly be quite the experience. All the planning involved is exhausting in itself!

We are NOT taking Miss Puppy with us, however. We have found a happy babysitter.

Well, I need to cut this short. I REALLY need to get to bed! It's nearly 10:00 now.

I MISS YOU ALLL!!!! I promise! I'll be back soon! (Just probably not tomorrow....)

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