White Caps

After more than a week of low cloud this morning was clear and frosty. And at last the mountains were visible. They have a line of snow along the tops. This is the Rubicon Peak and Amphitheatre of Mount Torlesse. The black dot on the right is a harrier hawk.

I apologise for winding you up yesterday. I have been using a chain saw for 15 years. I am very safety conscious and take all the necessary precautions. My son and I discussed the loose chain problem, identified possible reasons, eliminated them and proceeded with caution. Between the two of us we cut about half of the dry wood and stacked it away.

One year ago: the little apricot tree. Then it was full of promise and last summer was to be its first bearing fruit. But a long warm spell in the middle of winter fooled the fruit trees into opening blossoms and leaves long before spring. I was able to save the big trees by spraying them with water every frosty morning, but the little apricot tree was too close to the ground and even covering it didn't prevent it from being damaged. The rising sap froze in the little branches and burst through the bark in globules of gum. Most of the leaves dropped off. I thought it would die, but after five years to get it to that stage I was determined to save it. It has had a lot of special care and is almost as good now as it was a year ago.

Saturday Quote-

From thirty feet away she looked like a lot of class. From ten feet away she looked like something made up to be seen from thirty feet away.

Raymond Chandler
in High Window

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