The Chaos Bros

By vik

He's Won!!!!

Last Monday I blipped Bro 1 photographing dangerous wildlife and narrowly escaping from the swan. He was trying to get a photo to enter into the Birnie Loch Photographic Competition.

Well all his efforts have paid off because he was the WINNER of the children's section!!! Yay!!!

I took all The Bros along to the open day at the loch this afternoon where they had fun pond dipping and making insect homes which now adorn various trees in our garden.

The highlight of the afternoon was finding out that Bro 1 had won the children's section of the competition and the blip shows him in the display tent with his winning photo. His prize is a waterproof digital camera which he thinks is fantastic and can't wait until we go to Spain to visit Grandpa later in the summer to take lots of photos in the pool.

Well done kid!!

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