Old School Sunday

The last day of the 'tumblr week':
Disney Monday
Stranger Tuesday
GPOY Wednesday
Semi-Nude Thursday
Smile Friday
Mustache Saturday
Old School Sunday.

I thought about maybe doing this another week, but this week I will be really busy, so I reckon I will not have time. Better to not promise anything, and then I'll see what I can do.

In other news: Today I went scuba diving, first dive! Pretty cool. Went ok, visibility was not perfect but not bad either. Have a souvenir too, maybe it will be blipped sometime. Also, face and hands (where my wetsuit wasn't) got burned a bit.. didn't think we were out in the sun that much.. so bought an extra high sun factor for this week, because I may be in the sun a lot.

Edit: aaahh.. just found out I bought COLOURED suntan lotion, who in their right mind would ever think kids want GREEN suntan lotion? :S

Custom Black & White + tint: 7% hue 42

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