
By Bitblonde


This is my son Kristopher. He was only 9 days old when I lost him to heart failure 19 years ago today.

We were told at the time there was nothing that could be done for him, the problems were to severe. We had the option to leave him on life support, in which case he would die anyway but in a lot of pain, or to switch off his life support.

We chose the latter.

The family came to say goodbye.

I can just remember screaming as he took a fit or heart attack, then he took just 5 minutes to slip away in my arms.

There is not a day goes by where I don't think about him.

I went on to have 3 healthy children and I make sure I tell them I love them every day.

I've never made his photos public before and I only have one up in the house, next to my bed. But as this is a daily photo journal and it is such an important day, I decided I wanted to show how beautiful he was.

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