Stuck fast

I parked under a tree today. This soaked leaf tenaciously clung to the car bonnet as I drove home and deserved to be blipped for its efforts.

Not much else to report. At work just the usual Monday broken things and list of new jobs for the week. My insides aren't the best. The fur child has that look about him that suggests I'm personally responsible for the weather and he's about to express his displeasure by swinging from the curtains.

On the up side, I won't have to water the garden for a while.

Monday is currently my late appointment night. I must away to attend to the mundane tasks of life.

PS My lovely parents are now my guests and have started to leave the odd comment. They won't leave a comment every day but if you see 'mumanddad' it's them. In their early '80s they're rocking and rolling on the internet :-)

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