Vic and Darren (+2)

By vicanddarren


So very fact I think the bird that left this on our garden table simply melted away, as the egg was completely perfect (but stone cold and not at all viable).

Being enormously pregnant in this weather sucks, my cankles have now spread to my feet which look like water balloons with tiny toes poking out of least they're not August babies and they should be here very soon (preferably before next week as half term has suddenly got very busy for us - Wednesday would be good).

Vic .x.

Edit: On a less pleasant note, after taking todays blip I noticed that Max had left another present for us right next to the bluebells, so I hastily ran indoors to make sure there was nothing too gross on the photos...that's after Darren cleared up three more offerings left between going to bed last night and leaving for work this morning. Honestly, it's like keeping elephants! I've also noticed how out-of-focus this shot is...many apologies...blame the pregnancy hormones!

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