In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

Goodbye Prius

Next week some time (hopefully) I will be saying goodbye to my home for the past 3 years.

Yes, I am trading in my trusty red eco car for a new, and boringly white one. I wanted another red one, but a long boring saga has ended up with me compromising to the white one, albeit with built in autopilot (mega cruise control that I will likely never use) and dvd hdd GPS built for iPhone (that I certainly will use).

As I said, I practically live in my car, so how is it that I just noticed this kind little plaque which is just inside the hatchback door, telling you how to fit your two golf bags in the boot!!

Because of course you are bound to need to put two golf bags in your boot.

Who was the genius that decided to spend the money on those stickers, instead of checking the brakes?

(My brakes were fine by the way!)

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