
By Amalarian


The walled city of Lucca is a treasure trove of blip pics. The trouble with it is that it is at least 40 minutes from door to photo op. And 40 minutes back. The temptation to do yet more flowers is almost overwhelming.

I had in mind a picture of the Piazza Grande with the row of street cafes with everybody tucking into huge lunches. As it turned out the sun was so strong on the square that it was impossible so I ankled over to the other side and took this one so that I could get the sun bouncing back under the magnificent plane trees that line the square.

It is an enormous square and was once a part of a ducal palace, now occupied by the Carabinieri. It used to be a magnificent parking area only one block from the centre of town. I know it was a bit of a blot on the cityscape but now that it is magnificently empty, nobody uses it. There are pop concerts in July and a kiddies' ice rink at Christmas but otherwise it is simply a short cut. What a waste. I could be using it for shopping trips. I go to supermarkets instead, now.

As usual, I had to dither which picture to use. I liked this one of a narrow street leading to Piazza San Michele. SAN MICHELE BELL TOWER and I also liked this one of an ancient wall behind which is an enormous town house. VILLA WALL

The town is packed with tourists and I did a quick shot of two old gentlemen, locals both, surveying the invasion. They looked none too pleased. WATCHING THE TOURISTS GO BY I do like the natty, all white clothes and hat on the one chap.

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